Monday, March 29, 2010


The bar tour at Penn State was awesome. We all went to the Brewery Friday night, which was cool just to be with friends that i haven't seen in a while. Then Saturday, we started drinking at 11 PM. It was my roommate Dave's cousin Nate's bar tour, there was about 40 of us. Just about all of us got shitty by 5pm, and didn't end drinking till about 11 PM. The bouncers weren't letting a lot of us in by the end of the night. I remember leaving The Den to go out for a cig, and i was rambling with the bouncer for like 5 minutes, and i was pretending to be a bouncer with him whenever people were trying to get in (why? i have no idea). When my cig was done, i was like soooo, am i allowed back in? He just looks at me and laughs, "no chance". I took a bunch of pictures, ill probably upload them on facebook soon.

My deal with draqq's PF says i need 3k games a month in order to keep my salary. Right now I am at 1,700 with 3 days left. 1,300 games in 56 hours is redic, im basically going to have to play non stop. I know i can do it, and i will, i just started loading games, and i dont plan on stopping until about 10 pm tommorow night, which will be about 30 hours straight. Im hoping to knock out 1k games in the 30 hour session, then do the other 300 when i wake up on Wednesday.

Its really unfair to draqq's PF to put this kind of volume in with a short amount of time left. I was super busy this month, so hopefully he understands. I will probably throw them some extra money, especially if i lose a good bit in the next 3 days. I feel really bad, and i will make up for it next month with good quality volume the whole month.

Ill throw in some updates on my progress in this marathon of a session, its going to be a looooooong grind, but im up for it :)

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